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Last Updated: 2009/9/24
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Last Updated: 2009/9/24
Size: 40K
Last Updated: 2009/9/24
Newtown Youth and Family Services
Board of Directors Meeting September 21, 2009- 6:30 PM

Members Present: Maureen Birden, Layne Lescault, Cindy McIntyre, Rosalie Newman, Ron Pekrul, Joan Piscatelli, Leonard Penna (Police Department), Diane Savinelli, Tom Murtha, Jim Solomon
Members Not Present:Shay Carmichael, Jim Whitley

Staff Members Present:Beth Agen and Joan Bird
Guests Present: Susan Improta, Aileen Nosal, Nick Virzera

1. Call to Order
        The meeting was called to order at 6:32 pm on September 21, 2009 by Layne Lescault in the downstairs meeting room at 17 Church Hill Road.
        a)Roll Call- the roll of the Board of Directors was taken by signing in and a quorum was established.
b)Approval of June 2009 Minutes - Motion made by Tom Murtha and seconded by Jim Solomon to approve the June 2009 minutes. Motion passed unanimously.
2. Chairman’s Report
        Work with Board Consultants almost complete. Board Consultants will be present at October board meeting to discuss board roles and responsibilities. Their project will end after that.
        Committee assignments discussed - see attachment
3.  Executive Director’s  Report - Beth Agen
        See attachment titled Executive Director’s Report, September 21, 2009.
4. Reports of Committees
        a) Executive/Governance/Personnel
        The Executive committee met on September 2 and reviewed the Risk Prevention & Management (RPM) Policy and Procedures as well as the Whistleblower Policy to be presented to the board. Reviewed Risk Assesment Policies and Procedures Schedule of Policy Review.
        The Personnel committee met on August 28 and reviewed the Grievance Policy and Procedure to be presented to the board..
        b) Nominating Committee
        Jim Solomon introduced guests present at the meeting; Susan Improta, Aileen Nosal and Nick Virzera.
        c) Treasurer and Finance Committee Report.
        See attachment titled Treasurers Report for the Period July & August 2009
Motion made by Cindy McIntyre and seconded by Joan Piscatelli to approve the 2009-2010 Budget. Motion passed unanimously
        d) Development and Fundraising
        Holiday Festival and New fundraisers discussed:
        1) Trinity Christmas Concert - Board responsible for selling tickets
        2) Breakfast on March 10, 2010
        3) Little Princess Ball in June 2010
        e) Long Range Planning - No report
        f) Audit and Quality Improvement - Board Members who attended PQI meeting described it to other members of the Board.
        g) Facilities - Joan Piscatelli described the situation at 121 Mt. Pleasant. Agency has other half of the building and are working with Pro Bono Partners to go through contracts. After that will figure out cost to finish other half of building.
5. Old Business - none discussed
6. New Business - Tom Murtha left meeting before voting on policies
        Discussion about moving board meeting day - no action taken.
        a) Vote on Risk Prevention and Management (RPM) Policy and Procedures
        Motion made by Cindy McIntyre and seconded by Ron Pekrul to approve RPM Policy and Procedures. There was no discussion and the motion passed unanimously.
        b) Vote on Whistleblower Policy.
        Discussed Compliance Officer. Motion made nominating of Rosalie Newman to be Compliance Officer by Joan Piscatelli and seconded by Layne Lescault. Motion passed unanimously. Motion made by Cindy McIntyre and seconded by Diane Savinelle to approve Whistleblower Policy. There was no discussion and the motion passed unanimously.
        c) Vote on Grievance Policy and Procedure
        Motion made by Maureen Birden and seconded by Jim Solomon to approve the Grievance Policy and Procedure. There was no discussion and the motion passed unanimously.
7. Adjournment
        7:45 pm motion made by Cindy McIntyre and seconded by Joan Piscatelli to adjourn. Motion passed unanimously by the Board.

Respectfully submitted by Diane Savinelli September 23, 2009.